Our company empowers the individual to manufacture.
We do this by lowering the skill and cost barrier to industrial level, and factory ready, machines.
Used by the world's best companies

Our Story
Two engineers, Alex and Bob were frustrated with their software jobs, every day they dreamed of building things in the real world, not just on a screen.
One day they started a motorcycle shop in their backyard to get their hands dirty. Because of that, they started using 3D printing as a manufacturing tool to create automotive parts.
Eventually, they started a product development firm and attracted a team of creative hardware engineers. They used 3D printing to develop and manufacture medical devices, build concept vehicles, and make mechatronics systems for the film industry.
Pantheon's mission is to democratize manufacturing, empowering individuals to make as much as a factory.
Innovation thrives when tools are in the hands of many, rather than a few.

Contact Us
Contact us if you want to learn more about our 3D printer, have an exciting idea or project, or just want to say hello.